Advancing Racial Justice and Equity.

Whether Black, white, or brown, when we all have access to the resources we need to thrive, everyone benefits. Furthering racial justice in our state involves addressing disparities, supporting diversity initiatives, ensuring educational equity, and fighting for an end to police brutality. 

When certain policymakers censor our classrooms, defund important community resources, cut programs that support mental health, and ignore racist systems that hurt Black and brown Ohioans—they are robbing them of their opportunity to thrive and excel. 

Ohioans have the right to an honest and accurate education, entailing sometimes facing difficult truths in our shared history. Some extremist policymakers, however, are trying to use these differences to divide us: censoring topics, restricting academic freedom, and cutting important programming. Young Ohioans know better. 

Our vision for a more equitable future involves amplifying the interests and experiences of students of color. By blocking backward legislation, reforming different systems, and empowering diverse voices—we can deliver a better and more equitable Ohio.