Providing High-Quality, Affordable Higher Education.

Young Ohioans, regardless of our zip code or family income, should have access to high-quality postsecondary education that sets us up for success without breaking the bank.

For too long now, certain policymakers have prioritized wealthy interests and stood in our way, chronically underfunding higher education, continuing punitive policies that harm students, and attacking diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs that give underrepresented Ohioans an equal shot at getting an excellent education. 

We’re fighting for more accessible and affordable higher education in our state and across the country. We need bold reforms to provide much-needed relief and support our students’ freedom to thrive. 

Funding higher education—particularly supporting low-income and middle-class students’ ability to succeed—will benefit Ohio as a whole. We all benefit when every single student—whether they’re rich or poor, Black, brown, or white—can fulfill their maximum potential and pursue their dreams.