Upholding Bodily Autonomy and Freedom.

Ohioans should have the freedom to make their own personal healthcare decisions without government interference. 

We deserve the freedom to decide what we want to do with our bodies. Abortion access is an essential part of healthcare, and it needs to be accessible, funded, and recognized. 

Extremist elected officials here in Ohio have passed some of the most restrictive anti-abortion bans throughout the country, delaying or outlawing some abortions where patients' health is at risk—and would go even further to put bans on our bodies. Fortunately, Ohioans came together to enshrine reproductive freedoms in our state constitution last November. 

However, we have seen our state government continue to overreach by restricting and sometimes outright banning personal medical decisions. We have seen efforts to attack life-saving gender-affirming care and target medical professionals who provide that critical care. 

Young Ohioans are fighting for an inclusive future where every single one of us can receive proper health care and access essential services—no matter our race, income, or gender identity. We deserve an Ohio where we can all be treated with respect and dignity.