The Coalition

From Platform to Practice: OYPPc

The Ohioan young people have big dreams, and the motivation to undertake the fight for a state we can be proud of. Through the Ohio Young People’s Platform we have learned that young people have hope for a better future, goals we have articulated and defined, and the capability to use our student organizations to facilitate change.

The Ohio Young People’s Platform Coalition (OYPPc) serves to unite student organizations across the state with the OYPP as an organizing force, pledging to use our collective power to work for a better future. We’re better together, and best when we connect and communicate.

These students are members and leaders from political groups, student government, Black and Brown student groups, LGBTQ+ groups, ethnicity and identity-based groups, graduate student groups, and academic organizations. We are a people-powered platform. 

Our Mission

The mission of the Ohio Young People’s Platform Coalition is to grow and strengthen student power by promoting information sharing, community building, and skill development directed towards statewide advocacy, thus leveraging the power of young people for collective action toward our shared progressive vision. 


Our Values

We value building movements through moments, fuel action with long-term strategy, place our faith in everyday young people, champion solidarity across issue, struggle, and identity.

Additional Information

Interested? Want more information? Stay tuned for printable documents with additional information, useful for pitching OYPPc membership to your student organization’s democratic processes.