Safeguarding LGBTQ+ Rights.

Young Ohioans are fighting for the freedom to live our lives without fear. We’re protecting our freedom to stay true to ourselves and our identities—without fear of discrimination and exclusion. 

Young Ohioans understand that every single one of us should have the freedom to be ourselves—no matter the color of our skin, the way we worship, or our gender identity. In recent years, we have seen a wave of anti-LGBT extremism in Ohio, including legislative attacks and hate crimes.

Extremist politicians are making it their personal agenda to make queer, transgender, and other LGBTQ+ Ohioans’ lives harder. They intentionally use our differences to stoke fear, trying to get us to turn against one another instead of joining together.

From Cincinnati to Cleveland, Toledo to Columbus, we’re coming together on our campuses and in our cities to protect the freedom to be ourselves and love whomever we want to love—no exceptions.