Protecting Our Freedom to Vote.

We’re fighting for an Ohio where everyone—regardless of race or zip code—has an equal say in our democracy. When our democracy includes young people, we show up for causes we are passionate about and make our voices heard.

We value our fundamental freedoms to determine our future and to pick our leaders–not the other way around. Unfair maps that carve up our communities, divide our neighborhoods, and silence the voices of Black, brown, and young people attack this basic freedom. 

Certain extremist lawmakers continue to find new ways to make voting harder for young people and stifle the voices of everyday Ohioans, including the brazen attempt last year to rig the Ohio constitution and attack our 100+ year tradition of citizen-led ballot measures. 

Nonetheless, Ohioans have repeatedly come out against corrupt, power-grabbing elected officials to protect our basic freedom to vote, and we will continue to fight for our ability to express our interests and decide our futures.