Ensuring Our Freedom To Thrive.

Together, we can create an Ohio where our health, well-being, and futures are prioritized. We deserve an Ohio where every single one of us has excellent and affordable healthcare, gender equity, safe housing, high-quality education, and secure employment. 

When we are forced to choose between paying our tuition, paying for groceries, or going to the doctor, we endure unnecessary and preventable obstacles, blocking everyday people from reaching our full potential. 

Young Ohioans don’t just want to survive: we also want to thrive. We want to build a better future, give back to our communities, and support our families and friends.

Funding our futures means improving our living standards across the board so that we can all enjoy the same essential services and resources. Ensuring a thriving future means delivering on a vision where young Ohioans can go to college without breaking the bank, own their own homes, start their own families, and give back to our communities.